Norma Revo CDP-2

Norma is based in Cremona, Italy. The city and its surroundings are well known all over the world for being home to great composers as Monteverdi and Ponchielli, and to famous violin makers such as Stradivari, Amati, Guarneri and many others. As of today, more than 100 violin makers’ shops are found in the ancient…

Norma is based in Cremona, Italy. The city and its surroundings are well known all over the world for being home to great composers as Monteverdi and Ponchielli, and to famous violin makers such as Stradivari, Amati, Guarneri and many others. As of today, more than 100 violin makers’ shops are found in the ancient streets of the city.

In this inspiring context, where music permeates everything, for more than 20 years Norma has been involved in the study and implementation of sophisticated audio amplifiers, where technical skills and musical sensitivity must be merged together, in the same way the best musical instruments are made. The result of this endeavor is a unique sound, which represents a synthesis of parameters usually set one against each other: dynamics, speed, and absolute transparency are combined with extraordinary musicality and total lack of listening fatigue.

The struggle between solid state and valves is finally overcome, as is the concept or reproduction.
Norma brings the listener to an intimate relation with the original event.

In this period, predictions about the fate of the CD appear very similar to those made about vinyl in the mid 1980s. Many have judged this medium to be outdated and ready for retirement. 

In reality, as happened with vinyl, the CD still maintains significant importance in the hearts of enthusiasts. For those who own a collection accumulated in years of passion, or for those who still consider the “physical” listening experience to be essential, not mediated by web platforms, the choice of CDP-1 turns out to be the most natural. 

From an operational point of view, the CDP-1 has Teac CD reading mechanics: this unit is expressly dedicated to reading CDs, and uses a pure CD laser pick-up, an element that differentiates it from more commercial reading units based on a derivation of DVD players. 

Furthermore, it has a dynamic reading buffer lasting approximately 5 seconds: this allows the unit to read CDs even with surface defects, without necessarily resorting to data interpolation.



Black, Silver

Dimensions (WxDxH)

430 x 350 x 90 mm


10 kg

Norma Revo CDP-2